Navigation: Projects → Time Approver
Time Approver indicates information about submitted for approval time records from all users.
Each time record line in Time Approver is constructed of single submission of one or multiple time records. From single submission multiple lines is created if the records does not belong to the same Project or Opportunity. Records that belong to different Activity, but same Project are considered as single line. Filter can be applied to organize the view.
1. Provided information of Time Approver:
- ID: identification number to set sequence order of all time reports.
- Submitted by: User who has submitted the Time Approver line.
- Title: title of submitted time record or group of records.
- Assigned To: Project or Opportunity that the Approver line belongs to.
- Comments: Comments by the user that has authorization of approving submitted time records. Comments are linked with comments left while Approving or Rejecting submitted time records.
- Submitted: total submitted time per line that has to be Approved or Rejected.
- Approved: total time approved for records from single Time Approver.
- Rejected: total time rejected for records from single Time Approver.
- Date: date when the time records were submitted by the user.
- Status: status of the Time Approver line (Not approved, approved, partly approved, rejected).
- Approval date: date and time when the time records were approval by the user.
2. User can approve selected Time records submissions in the list by clicking .
3. User can also perform actions with several Time records submissions. After selecting single or multiple Time records submissions by marking lines or selecting all Time records submissions by clicking
button available actions are:
- Export records: is used to export selected Time records submissions to MS Excel file.
- Approve records: is used to approve all selected Time records submissions.
- Reject records: is used to reject all selected Time records submissions.
4. User can also open selected Time records submission to review and approve or reject submitted Time records in the Time submitter’s Timesheet.
The time approver can see all time records submitted by the user for approval that belong to the submitted batch. Approve or reject can only active records.
5. As in all lists, it is possible to work with Time records submissions by using standard functionality buttons: filter Time records, change table properties, search Time records, narrow or extend information viewable in table cells.