
Navigation: Tools → Archive

List archive usage for archiving records of time records and time reports.



Time records enter the archive quarter period by end date. Archived time records are no longer adjusted. It is not possible to adjust records through the time record list, Timesheet, All timesheets. Time records are not display unless the user has permission to archive data. There is also no possibility to create new time records in the archived period. Time approver is not available to select records for the period archived in the list. When you click an active link to the Timesheet, archived entries appear in the form in a red frame and are not adjusted.

Time reports enter the archive quarter period by created date. Archived time reports are not visible to the user in the Time reports list, except for the administrator or user who have rights. Time reports that are archived are not available for adjustment.

To archive – used to create archive records of quarter.

Archive off – used to extract from archive records of quarter.

Quarters are created by pressing the New button.
