
Navigation: Tools → Incidents

Incident is defined as observed unfavourable event, having its cause.

Review Incident form


Mail incid

1. General information about Incident is provided in tab General. You have to fill in this information when creating new Incident.

2. In tab Media it is possible to attach files. Click Select Files or do Drag & Drop.

3. In tab Notes it is possible to leave notes. Click Add note to create new note.

4. Available Info Tabs:

  • Tasks: allows creating and managing tasks of various types related to the Incident. Click Add_Create_new to add new Task or Lead_create_task and select Process to generate Tasks from a template.
  • Process: allows initiating processes and seeing the progress of initiated processes. Click New_process to generate Tasks from a template.  If multiple processes are running, you can cancel active processes with Cancel all at the same time, CancelAllProcesas.
  • Backlog: allows seeing and creating backlog records related to Particular Risk. Click Add_Create_new to add new Backlog record. Click new_task_button to add new Task. Click process_tasks and :
    • select Set All Completed to change the status of all related Backlog records to Completed.
    • select Assign Group to assign the group to all related Backlog records.
    • select Remove Group to remove the group from all related Backlog records.
  • Triggersallows seeing and creating task process triggers related to the IncidentClick Add_Create_new to add new Process Trigger record.
  • Relations: allows seeing entities related to the Incident.
  • Mail: allows seeing, creating and assigning related emails. Click Capture3 to create new email. Click Pasirinkimas to assign email.
  • Groups: allows grouping Incidents according to types determined (list is taken from Settings → Groups).
  • Revisions: allows seeing the history of actions taken with the Incident.
  • Rights: allows setting rights for users relevant to the Incident.

5. Available navigation buttons:

  • Add new: is used to create new Incident.
  • To list: is used to go to the list of Incidents.

Create new Incident

To create new Incident follow these steps:

1. Go to Tools → Incidents or go to tab Incidents in the form of the related object (Project, Activity) and click Add_Create_new.
2. Fill in fields in tab General:

  • Title: shortly indicates about the Incident raised.
  • Status: indicates the progress of actions related to the Incident. Incident status is automatically set to In progress when related Task is started.
  • Priority: indicates the priority of solving particular Incident among all the other incidents.
  • Date raised: indicates date when particular Incident is raised.
  • Account: indicates to what Account Incident is related.
  • Project: indicates to what Project Incident is related. Only active Projects are available.
  • Activity: indicates to what Activity Incident is related. Only active Activities are available.
  • Problem: indicates to what Problem particular Incident is related.
  • Owner: indicates who is responsible for the Incident and related activities.

3. Click Save.


Create Task related to Incident

It is possible to create Tasks related to Incident in several locations of the system: Kanban window, Tasks list window, Incident form, Incidents list window.

To create new Task related to Incident in the Incident form follow these steps:

1. In tab Tasks click Add_Create_new.
2. Fill in Task’s information and click Save.



Generate a set of Tasks related to Incident (initiate Process)

It is possible to generate a set of Tasks related to Incident from a template (initiate a predefined process). To generate a set of Tasks related to Incident follow these steps:

  1. In tab Tasks click  Lead_create_task and select Process or in tab Process click New_process.
  2. Select process template from the drop-down menu (list is taken from Settings → Processes).
  3. Define date when process should start / finish.
  4. Define date type: Start – First Task of the process will start on the indicated date, Finish – dates of the process Tasks will be defined so that the process would end on the indicated date. Important: there is a possibility to define process finish date only if process does not have decision tasks.
  5. Active Update dates option automatically updates tasks dates when changes in process task planned dates are made.
  6. Click Save.


In tab Process it is possible to review the progress of initiated processes and number of Not Started, In Progress, Waiting, Done and Cancelled Tasks. There is also a possibility to cancel a process in this tab. After canceling a process, all not started and in progress tasks will be canceled.

Set rights for users relevant to the Incident

To set rights for relevant to the Incident follow these steps:

1. Go to tab Rights.
2. In field Assign User choose users who will see and be able to edit Incident information. It is possible to choose to show Incident to all users or only to particular users.


Perform actions in the list of Incidents

Incident list

1. As in all lists, you can work with Incidents by using standard functionality buttons: filter Incidents, add new Incident, change table properties, search Incidents, narrow or extend information viewable in table cells, edit or add additional information to the Incident, delete Incident from the list.

2. It is possible to see how many related Not Started, In Progress, Waiting, Done or Cancelled tasks Incident has.

3. It is possible to perform actions with Incidents in the list without opening the entries. After selecting single or multiple Incidents by marking lines Zymeti or selecting all Incidents by clicking Selectbutton available actions are:

  • Export records: is used to export the list of selected Incidents to MS Excel file.
  • Assign Rights:  is used to assign rights to review and edit Incident information for works groups, user groups or specific users.
  • Remove Rights: is used to remove rights to review and edit Incident information for works groups, user groups or specific users.
  • Set Status: is used to set status of the selected Incidents.
  • Set Priority: is used to set priority of the selected Incidents.
  • Set Owner: is used to assign new Owner to selected Incidents.
  • Set Groupsused to assign a group to selected Incidents.
  • Create Problem: is used to create new Problem related to selected Incidents. For several Incidents one problem will be created.
  • Create Task: is used to create new Task related to selected Incidents. In case several Incidents are selected several Tasks will be created.