Knowledge Management

Navigation: Tools → Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management provides User with collected training materials, used templates, other uploadable information.

Review Knowledge base form


1. General information about Knowledge base is provided in tab General. You have to fill in this information when creating new Knowledge base.

2. In tab Media it is possible to attach files. Click Select Files or do Drag & Drop.

3. In tab Notes it is possible to leave notes. Click Add note to create new note.

4. Available Info Tabs:

5. Available navigation buttons:

  • Add new: is used to create new Knowledge base.
  • To list: is used to go to the list of Knowledge base.

Create new Knowledge base

To create new Knowledge base follow these steps:

1. Go to Tools → Knowledge Management and click New or go to tab Knowledge in the form of the related object (Project, Activity) and click Add_Create_new.
2. Fill in fields in tab General:

  • Title: shortly indicates the Knowledge Base
  • Status: current status of the Knowledge Base (list is taken from Settings → Dictionary → Knowledge Management → Status)
  • Number: numeric or alphabetical Tag of Knowledge Base assigned manually according due to existing regulations.
  • Owner: User, who has the rights over uploaded Knowledge Base material.

3. Click Save.



Assign Project to which Knowledge base is relevant

To assign Project and Activity to which Knowledge base is relevant follow these steps:

1. In tab Projects click Add_Create_new.
2. Choose Project and Activity from drop down list.
3. Click Save.


Add information of new Knowledge base version

To add information of new Knowledge base version follow these steps:

1. In tab Versions click Add_Create_new.
2. Add comment what changes have been made, indicate User, who made changes (version date is filled automatically).
3. Click Save.


Set rights for users relevant to the Knowledge base

To set rights for relevant to the Knowledge base follow these steps:

1. Go to tab Rights.

2. In field Assign choose users who will see and be able to edit Knowledge base information. It is possible to choose to show Knowledge base to all users or only to particular users.


Perform actions in the list of Knowledge bases



1. As in all lists, you can work with Knowledge bases by using standard functionality buttons: filter Knowledge bases, add new Knowledge base, change table properties, search Knowledge bases, narrow or extend information viewable in table cells, edit or add additional information to the Knowledge base, delete Knowledge base from the list.

2. It is possible to perform actions with Knowledge bases in the list without opening the entries. After selecting single or multiple Knowledge bases by marking lines Mark or selecting all Knowledge bases by clicking Button button available actions are:

  • Export records: is used to export the list of selected Knowledge bases to MS Excel file.
  • Assign Right: is used to assign rights to review and edit Knowledge bases information for work groups, user groups or specific users.
  • Set Status: is used to set status of the selected Knowledge bases.
  • Set Owner: is used to assign new Owner to selected Knowledge bases.
  • Set Groupsused to assign a group to selected Knowledge bases.