Navigation: Tools → Media
Media provides a list of all media attached to different objects in WiseTeam.
1. Information provided in the Media list:
- ID: Identification number of the Media.
- Name: title of the Media.
- Created: date when media was attached.
- Type: type of the attached file.
- Size: size of the attached file.
- Related To: object that the attached Media belongs to. By clicking the link provided in this column it is possible to review attached media.
- Uploaded by: User who uploaded the Media.
- Groups: group to which Media is assigned.
- Description: description of media.
2. It is possible to perform actions with added Media in the list without opening the entries. After selecting single or multiple Media records by marking lines or selecting all Media records by clicking
button available actions are:
- Export records: is used to export the list of selected Media records to MS Excel file.
- Set Groups: used to assign a group to selected Media.
3. As in all lists, you can work with Media records by using standard functionality buttons: filter Media, change table properties, search Media, narrow or extend information viewable in table cells, delete Media from the list.